Ministries We Support

At Victor Valley Bible church we follow the command of Jesus Christ “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations ” (Mat 28:19a).

We support various Missionaries and Ministries that are devoted to spreading His message of love, redemption, and transformation throughout the world.

Sam Naylor

Since 2002 Sam Naylor has been in full-time Christian service in Russia. He is helping pastor a local church, working with teens in his community English club, and organizing mission trips, and since 2011 he and his wife Yulia have been serving in 12 orphanages and homes for disabled orphans. Together they have a passion to share the love and hope that is in Jesus Christ with the people of Russia, especially the children.


Tobie Keiser

Tobie Keiser has been working as a missionary among the Native Americans for over 30 years. She currently serves with American Indian Missions in Sanders, Arizona. This ministry is dedicated to reaching American Indians with the gospel of Christ and then teaching and discipling them so that they in turn can reach others. Tobie’s main focus is reaching and making disciples of their youth.

Tobie Keiser

Tobie Keiser has been working as a missionary among the Native Americans for over 30 years. She currently serves with American Indian Missions in Sanders, Arizona. This ministry is dedicated to reaching American Indians with the gospel of Christ and then teaching and discipling them so that they in turn can reach others. Tobie’s main focus is reaching and making disciples of their youth.

Don and Debi Isaacs

Don and Debi Isaacs became involved with Awana in the 80’s through their oldest son. He was invited to club on “Bring A Friend Night” and came home excited to go back. He said, “Mommy, they need helpers”. The next year Don joined them.

Don and Debi then went on to serve on the ministry teams of multiple Awana missionaries until they became Awana Missionaries themselves in early 2005. The Isaacs’ serve the California counties of San Bernardino, Riverside, and South Orange. Along with most of the state of Arizona.

Don and Debi consider it a privilege to be able to serve the Lord through this amazing ministry of reaching kids, youth and their families for Christ, training them to serve and become lifelong followers of Him.


Ted & Dana Witmer

Ted and Dana Witmer serve with Crossworld at Shalom University in Bunia, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Ted is the director of development and teaches Old Testament. Dana provides medical care in pediatrics and tropical medicine, and spiritual mentoring through church-based support groups. Over their 30 years of service, the university and medical works have greatly grown with teams of Congolese coworkers.

Ted and Dana Witmer

Ted and Dana Witmer serve with Crossworld at Shalom University in Bunia, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Ted is the director of development and teaches Old Testament. Dana provides medical care in pediatrics and tropical medicine, and spiritual mentoring through church-based support groups. Over their 30 years of service, the university and medical works have greatly grown with teams of Congolese coworkers.

Craig and Linda Throop

Missionaries Craig and Linda Throop ministered among the Kaulong people for over 30 years and saw the serious need for God’s Word in the Kaulong language. Their efforts to meet this need resulted in Bibles International’s adoption of the New Testament project in 2004, which included Kaulong language development alongside the translation work. After the New Testament completion in 2015, distribution began of 1,000 Kaulong New Testaments to the enthusiastic believers in the region. Then in 2019, the literacy team printed 500 copies of a language learning primer, additional readers on Creation and the life of Joseph, and a Bible reading guide for further training and literacy improvement in his community English club.

Voice of the Martyrs

The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a missionary organization that serves persecuted Christians in the world’s most difficult and dangerous places to be a Christian. Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand founded VOM after being imprisoned for their Christian witness in Communist Romania. For more than 50 years, VOM has been dedicated to inspiring all believers to a biblical faith by encouraging their commitment to Christ and the fulfillment of his Great Commission no matter the cost.

Voice of the Martyrs

The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a missionary organization that serves persecuted Christians in the world’s most difficult and dangerous places to be a Christian. Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand founded VOM after being imprisoned for their Christian witness in Communist Romania. For more than 50 years, VOM has been dedicated to inspiring all believers to a biblical faith by encouraging their commitment to Christ and the fulfillment of his Great Commission no matter the cost.

Independent Fundamental Churches of America (I.F.C.A.)

IFCA International is a global movement uniting churches and believers worldwide in a commitment to biblical ministry. Founded in 1930 as the Independent Fundamental Churches of America (I.F.C.A.), it offers fellowship, encouragement, and identification for independent churches and like-minded individuals. With nearly 1000 U.S. and many international affiliated churches, along with individual members like pastors and missionaries, IFCA International promotes joint ministry efforts while respecting local church autonomy. Its history emphasizes doctrinal integrity, evangelism, and missions. The organization strives for diverse unity in fulfilling the Great Commission.